About Us
Quality news, where you want it, when you want it.
Here at The Elephant in the Room, we are dedicated to shedding light on all things gender and sexuality.
Through testimonies, interviews, articles and more, we want to break down taboos surrounding these important topics, and giving a voice to those who don't want to stay silent. Here, we are fighting for equality in every front, whether it is sexuality, pleasure, unequal revenues, sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, justice, in society or at home.
You might think that there are already enough testimonies, enough stories, enough people raising awareness, such as associations or international organizations. But all of the testimonies out there are but a small fraction of what all of these problems actually represents. These are not small, occasional, and rare problems. These make up the everyday lives of the average woman, and it is as much her problem as it is yours.
We want to hear your voice, because your story matters as much as everybody else's.
Come as you are, boy, girl, man, woman, gender-fluid, queer. Equality and respect is everyone's concern.
Send us topic ideas, thoughts or even personal article submissions to: intheroomtheelephant@gmail.com ! We're looking forward to hearing what you have to say :)