I did an internship on the summer of 2019. It was far away and I had to do over an hour of train every morning to get there. At some point, I realize that one particular man seemed to always be in the same wagon as me. I brushed my concerns off and told myself it was nothing but a coincidence.
One morning, he walked up to me and asked if he could sit next to me, even though there was nobody else in the wagon at the time (it was very early in the morning). I didn’t really know what to say, and was afraid of coming across as impolite, so I accepted. The same thing happened for several days (even though I was careful and made sure I changed wagons every day. I then proceeded to change wagons during the train ride. A few minutes later, he reappeared and asked if he could seat next to me again.
Then, I decided to switch up my train schedules, but he quickly realized and managed to get on the same schedule.
One day, he told me he thought I was very pretty, and asked me if he could take a picture of me. Unsteady, I refused. Next thing I knew I was glued to the window, trying to get as further away from him as possible. He sat and made sure his leg was glued to mine, and made sure he found a way to make put his hand in between my legs, while pretending to grab something from his backpack. I couldn’t stand it anymore and asked him to get away from me and change seats. I made sure I said it loud enough so other people would hear me and be alarmed. He then told me he hadn’t done it on purpose, that I needed to understand he wasn’t a bad guy and that I was very pretty.
I then asked him to get away from me and leave. He refused, so I still got up and tried to get away from there myself. He grabbed my arm and my ass, trying to hold me down and make me sit on his lap. I managed to get his hands off me and leave.
From that moment on, I decided to only catch the train with one of my colleagues. Not long after, I found myself in the same wagon as him, only this time it was very crowded. Taking advantage of the mess, he glued himself to me and kept complimenting me. Once the doors opened and I made my way through the crowd to get out, he grabbed my arm to try and hold me back. I managed to get him off of me and rushed to get off the train. He followed me. I ran to the elevator and managed to close the doors before he got there.
From that day on, I have been unable to get on any public transports on my own, and I had to quit from my internship.
All rights reserved © Sarah Fourcassier